Watch Elizabeth Warren Completely School This CNBC Reporter

One needs to do their homework before they try to trip up Senator Warren.
One needs to do their homework before they try to trip up Senator Warren.
Implore the Justice Department to open a civil rights case against George Zimmerman
No, seriously. What the hell Texas? What the hell . . .
Ummm. Right. Found on
No doubt, there are some pockets of country music fans who’ll have some kind of ugly, homophobic observations to shriek about. But it’s going to touch a whole lot more right in the cockles of their hearts.
Ahem, we’re looking at you Texas, Ohio, North Carolina, Wisconsin . . .
Oh, you came to tell the truth? They have ways of shutting that whole thing down.
“Oh, you just wanted to get a glass of water, did you? KABOOM!”
This is very interesting.
This is going to surprise you. WATCH: