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Category: Featured Campaigns

The little-known tool Republicans will use if they win the Senate

If they seize control of the Senate this November, Republicans will use a little-known tool called “reconciliation” to get their way. Robert Reich explains in this new video from MoveOn.org. Please watch and share widely: The Affordable Care Act itself was partly passed via reconciliation, and in 2012 the team planning a Romney presidency researched […]

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Colorado students use MoveOn Petition to fight censorship

Colorado high school student Bethany Keupp, along with her fellow student-activists, teachers, parents and concerned community members staged a massive rally outside of a Jefferson County School Board meeting on Thursday, demanding that the board withdraw a proposal to censor their history curriculum. The students then delivered a MoveOn Petition with more than 40,000 signatures to school board members. The […]

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MoveOn fights back against voter suppression in North Carolina

When the Koch brothers-backed group Americans for Prosperity mailed false voter registration information to hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians, MoveOn members fought back, chipping in to correct the misinformation by running ads and contacting voters. This full-page ad correcting the misinformation will run this Sunday in North Carolina’s four largest newspapers. The newspaper ads […]

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Citizens United: Ad holds Sen. Collins accountable for siding with corporations

MoveOn.org Political Action has just launched this 30-second ad holding Republican Senator Susan Collins (ME) accountable for her vote Thursday to defend big corporations and special interests at the expense of Maine voters. Sen. Collins had the chance to stop special interests from buying elections — but instead, she chose to give them a free […]

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