By MoveOn Staff. Monday, September 23 2013
Part of “I Have a Dream” was a cry for equal job opportunities for everyone, regardless of race. But decades later, the situation doesn’t seem to have improved.
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Civil Rights | Economic Justice | Racial Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Monday, September 23 2013
For the first time in 35 years, U.S. and Iranian leaders might meet at the UN General Assembly. Sara Haghdoosti is fighting to make that happen.
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Monday, September 16 2013
A powerful, wealthy developer paid off officials to get his way. He wasn’t expecting this grandmother-grandson team to stop him.
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By MoveOn Staff. Sunday, September 15 2013
When news hit that Larry Summers, famed for helping to craft the policies that caused the recession, was the front-runner for chair of the Federal Reserve, Robert Naiman of the organization Just Foreign Policy, The Other 98%, and MoveOn member Aaron Camp created MoveOn Petitions telling President Obama to leave Summers out of the running.
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By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, September 12 2013
President Obama declared on Tuesday night that he’d halted requests for an authorization to use military force so he could pursue a diplomatic resolution to the crisis in Syria with Russia—and Congress has stopped moving toward a vote on that authorization
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, September 11 2013
Sure, “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was repealed, but judging by the estimated 26,000 soldiers who are sexually assaulted in 2012, the U.S. military has a long way to go in creating a safe space for those who protect our country.
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By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, September 10 2013
Millions of workers in New York City did not have paid sick days. If they or their children got sick, they had to work, forcing them to choose between their job and their family’s health. That’s why Cari Jackson from A Better Balance, noted feminist author Gloria Steinem, Ai-jen Poo from the National Domestic Workers Alliance, and Working Families started MoveOn Petitions asking the New York City Council to pass paid sick day legislation.
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By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, September 10 2013
MoveOn members from across the country are uniting to oppose military strikes on Syria. On Monday, September 9, MoveOn members participated in over 165 vigils in 41 states to urge their elected officials to avoid another unnecessary and costly war and vote against the use of military force.
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Monday, September 9 2013
MoveOn members joined Frank Burton on Friday, September 6th for a rally in front of Yelp’s corporate headquarters in San Francisco to demand that the company withdraw its membership from the right-wing lobbying group American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
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By MoveOn Staff. Monday, September 9 2013
There’s a secret plan to ruin the Internet, and this satirical mockumentary explains why we need to fight it.
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