By MoveOn Staff. Monday, September 30 2013
Tea Party Republicans have driven the government to a shutdown for the first time in 17 years. At stake, thanks to their showmanship, is our ongoing economic recovery. That’s why we’ll be holding Tea Party Republicans accountable for this nonsense. Can you start today by sharing this image?
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By MoveOn Staff. Monday, September 30 2013
Starting today, millions of uninsured people can sign up for affordable health insurance by visiting Thanks, Obamacare!
But conservative groups are spending lavishly to try and convince people not to sign up. They’re showing up on college campuses passing out beer coozies bearing the words “Opt out.” Let’s show the Republicans that we won’t fall for their scare tactics, by spreading the word about Obamacare.
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Health Care
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, September 27 2013
“Inequality affects us all: rich, poor, middle class, everyone,” director Jacob Kornbluth says.
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By MoveOn Staff. Friday, September 27 2013
Thank you for signing up to participate in Tonight’s live Hangout with Robert Reich to discuss his new film “Inequality for All.” We’re having some technical difficulties but we’ll be starting in 3 minutes at 9:15 p.m. ET.
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By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, September 26 2013
Did you know that, before Obamacare, women paid nearly 70% more than men for out-of-pocket medical costs? Yikes.
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Abortion Rights | Civil Rights | Health Care
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, September 25 2013
Just try not to grin as this high school senior drops some rhymes about an unexpected topic.
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Health Care
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, September 25 2013
Did you have this much chutzpah at 14?
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Health Care
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, September 25 2013
This graphic explains exactly why the American Legislative Exchange Council is so scary.
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By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, September 25 2013
There’s a lot of misinformation being tossed around regarding Obamacare. Here is a comprehensive, painless, and engaging seven minutes of the “YouToons” filling us in on what we need to know before enrollment starts on October 1, 2013 and the plans beginning on January 1, 2014.
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Health Care
By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, September 24 2013
This web of white supremacy groups is trying to scare black people into protesting immigration reform.
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Civil Rights