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We don’t stop fighting

First, let’s get the horrible news—which you probably already know—out of the way: Republicans are taking control of another branch of the government, getting ready to unleash a wave of reactionary politics on the country, trigger more shutdowns, and hurt our chances of getting anyone good confirmed to the Supreme Court for years. That’s just […]

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Mark Ruffalo asks MoveOn members to imagine …

Mark Ruffalo loves Supervoters

Listen to the phone call Mark Ruffalo made to MoveOn members today: Download a copy of the phone call here. Dear MoveOn member, This is Mark Ruffalo. I’m an actor, a director, a dad, and a husband—and I love all of these roles. But what got me out of bed this crisp fall morning, about […]

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The little-known tool Republicans will use if they win the Senate

If they seize control of the Senate this November, Republicans will use a little-known tool called “reconciliation” to get their way. Robert Reich explains in this new video from MoveOn.org. Please watch and share widely: The Affordable Care Act itself was partly passed via reconciliation, and in 2012 the team planning a Romney presidency researched […]

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