By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, December 23 2014
MoveOn had the following statement this morning in response to a report indicating that Senator Warren or her team have OKed the Run Warren Run effort: “MoveOn is not coordinating with Senator Warren’s team, and they have been clear that MoveOn does not have their approval for our Run Warren Run effort. When we gave them […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Monday, December 22 2014
This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. In recent days, we’ve released a video from our energizing grassroots kick-off in Iowa, saw continued strong national coverage, and opened job postings for key roles on the campaign. We are set to […]
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Candidates | Elections
By admin. Thursday, December 18 2014
This week, the U.S. Senate listened to YOU — and not the NRA — by confirming Dr. Vivek Murthy as U.S. Surgeon General. With a vote of 51 to 43, it’s a resounding victory for public health and for our families and communities!
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By admin. Thursday, December 18 2014
Amazing news from our friends at Food & Water Watch: Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a ban on fracking in New York state. This victory could not have happened without the amazing work of thousands of dedicated anti-fracking activists all over the country, including hundreds of MoveOn members.
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By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, December 18 2014
It’s been an incredible few days for Run Warren Run — less than two weeks in and we’re already seeing powerful momentum. Java Joe’s coffeehouse was packed for our kick-off event in Des Moines last night. The atmosphere was electric, the speakers inspiring, and the 100 Iowans who showed up were ready to get to […]
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Candidates | Elections
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, December 17 2014
This is what the #RunWarrenRun Iowa kick off looked like.
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Candidates | Elections
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, December 17 2014
Check out MoveOn’s new full-page #RunWarrenRun ad in the Des Moines Register.
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Candidates | Elections
By MoveOn Staff. Monday, December 15 2014
We’re excited for week 2 of the Run Warren Run campaign, after a powerful launch that led the New Republic’s Danny Vinik to write: “If she chooses to run, we’re going to look back at this week as a pivotal moment in Warren’s decision-making.” This week, the campaign heads to Des Moines for our Iowa […]
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Candidates | Elections
By MoveOn Staff. Saturday, December 13 2014
On Saturday, MoveOn staff and members showed up in full force for RootsCamp—a one-of-a-kind “unconference” organized by our friends at the New Organizing Institute—bearing Run Warren Run banners, stickers, signs, and t-shirts. With swag in hand, we had conversations with progressive activists eager to learn more about our campaign to encourage Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren […]
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Candidates | Elections
By Corinne Ball. Friday, December 12 2014
President Obama and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder have the power to move forward much-needed federal reforms and seek justice for Mike Brown and Eric Garner. Will you make these important calls for justice now?
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Racial Justice