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Run Warren Run news, Dec. 18

It’s been an incredible few days for Run Warren Run — less than two weeks in and we’re already seeing powerful momentum. Java Joe’s coffeehouse was packed for our kick-off event in Des Moines last night. The atmosphere was electric, the speakers inspiring, and the 100 Iowans who showed up were ready to get to […]

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Run Warren Run news, Dec. 15

We’re excited for week 2 of the Run Warren Run campaign, after a powerful launch that led the New Republic’s Danny Vinik to write: “If she chooses to run, we’re going to look back at this week as a pivotal moment in Warren’s decision-making.” This week, the campaign heads to Des Moines for our Iowa […]

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Run Warren Run at RootsCamp 2014

On Saturday, MoveOn staff and members showed up in full force for RootsCamp—a one-of-a-kind “unconference” organized by our friends at the New Organizing Institute—bearing Run Warren Run banners, stickers, signs, and t-shirts.  With swag in hand, we had conversations with progressive activists eager to learn more about our campaign to encourage Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren […]

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An open letter to Senator Elizabeth Warren

Warren in a crowd

MoveOn.org just launched a major campaign to encourage Senator Elizabeth Warren to run for president after a full membership vote of MoveOn’s 8 million supporters showed widespread support for such an effort. In an open letter to Senator Warren in the Huffington Post today, MoveOn Executive Directors Ilya Sheyman and Anna Galland lay out the reasons we’re running […]

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Run Warren Run News – Dec. 12

Happy Friday! Senator Warren’s fight to prevent a major change to Dodd-Frank from riding through on a budget deal led the day Thursday, and news of increased opposition to Treasury nominee Antonio Weiss showed a growing number of Democrats voicing their concern. NEW OP-ED FROM MOVEON: An Open Letter to Senator Elizabeth Warren: Run Warren Run! […]

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