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We Asked People on the Streets of Boston One Question. Their Answers Were Inspiring.

The support for Senator Elizabeth Warren grows every day. In fact, more than 311,000 people have already signed a petition urging Elizabeth Warren to get into the presidential race. Two of those Run Warren Run supporters from Elizabeth Warren’s home state are Pat Cahill Watson and Kendrys Vasquez, a Lawrence city councilperson. They were curious: “What do my […]

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16 Iowa Political and Business Leaders Sign an Open Letter Urging Elizabeth Warren to Run for President

Today, 16 well-known leaders in the political and business fields in Iowa have joined to publicly call on Elizabeth Warren to run for president in 2016. More than 311,000 Americans have already signed a petition calling on Warren to enter the race—including supporters in all 99 counties in Iowa—and supporters have organized more than 75 […]

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16 Iowa Political and Business Leaders Sign Letter Urging Elizabeth Warren to Enter Presidential Race

DES MOINES – Today, 16 well-known leaders in the political and business fields in Iowa joined to publicly call on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to run for president in 2016. “This letter is another indicator of the growing support for Sen. Elizabeth Warren in Iowa and the energy behind a potential Elizabeth Warren presidential campaign,” […]

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Elizabeth Warren: Check Your Voicemail

Since the beginning of Run Warren Run, just three months ago, more than 311,000 people have signed onto our effort to encourage Elizabeth Warren to run for president in 2016. Many people have shared their inspiring stories about why Elizabeth Warren is the candidate that they need, and we wanted Senator Warren to hear the real-life […]

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Warren, supporters push back on TPP and Fast-Track – Run Warren Run news, 3/16

This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. WARREN AND SUPPORTERS CONTINUE TO PUSH BACK ON TPP AND FAST-TRACK: Senator Warren is continuing her push to prevent legislation granting Fast-Track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a secret […]

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Let’s Talk Issues: The Worst Trade Deal You’ve Never Heard Of

This is part two of our series, “Let’s Talk Issues.” Today we’ll discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement that Senator Elizabeth Warren has strongly spoken out against and that MoveOn members have actively opposed. What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? If I were to ask you to lay out the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, would you […]

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MUST SEE: Robert Reich Makes the Case for a Contested Primary with Elizabeth Warren

On Wednesday night, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich joined “All In with Chris Hayes” on MSNBC to discuss the upcoming 2016 presidential election and the importance of having a contested primary. In the interview Reich says: “It seems to me very important for Democrats to be able to have a debate about what’s important to Democrats, what’s important […]

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