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MoveOn Blasts Fast-Track Trade Bill, Urges Democrats to Stand with Sen. Warren, Many Others In Opposing Deal

WASHINGTON DC – With news that the Senate is moving forward on a bill to fast-track the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, issued the following statement strongly opposing the legislation and urging members of Congress to defend U.S. workers and oppose the deal: “Across the country, Americans of […]

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Sen. Warren takes on Big Oil; populism surges in Dem. Party; Lessig set to address draft Warren effort – Run Warren Run news 4/16

This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. WARREN TAKES ON BIG OIL. Sen. Warren, the “anti-Wall Street crusader,” took on Big Oil in a speech at the Good Jobs, Green Jobs conference in Washington, DC earlier […]

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Is Elizabeth Warren Running Yet?

This week, Run Warren Run launched a new website to answer a question it seems everyone has been asking: Is Elizabeth Warren running for president? We have the answer … Not yet. Come on, haven’t you been watching the news? But we’re focused on convincing Senator Warren to change her mind, and we know that having her voice in the presidential […]

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TAKE ACTION: Defend Diplomacy with Iran!

MoveOn.org members have a long history of working for peace and security. Our efforts to support diplomacy with Iran are in common cause with a national network of allied organizations.The United States and five world powers have agreed on a framework with Iran ensuring, through rigorous inspections and verification, that Iran can have only a peaceful nuclear […]

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