Stop Medicare cuts and corporate giveaways

Make sure Congress knows we’re paying attention. Call your representative, share this graphic, and sound the alarm: Vote no on Fast Track!
Make sure Congress knows we’re paying attention. Call your representative, share this graphic, and sound the alarm: Vote no on Fast Track!
Dear fellow MoveOn member, Here’s a big-picture idea: instead of investing in dirty fuels, let’s start charging polluters for poisoning our skies and then invest the revenue so that it benefits everyone. Every ton of carbon that’s released into the atmosphere costs our nation between $40 and $100, and we release millions tons of it […]
Dear fellow MoveOn member, To prevent the rise of a new aristocracy, we need to raise the estate tax—a tax on inherited wealth. And we need to do it now. The richest 1 percent of Americans hold 42 percent of our nation’s wealth.1 We haven’t seen this concentration of wealth since the Gilded Age of […]
California members of Political Action have voted decisively to endorse progressive champion Rep. Mike Honda in the state’s 17th Congressional district, with an overwhelming 76% of votes cast in favor of backing Honda. The endorsement is the second by MoveOn members in the 2016 cycle. MoveOn has more than 17,000 members in California’s 17th […] and Democracy for America are suspending the Run Warren Run campaign and pivoting to stand alongside Elizabeth Warren and other progressives in the fights ahead. welcomed the entry of Governor Martin O’Malley into the presidential race.
For the past two weeks, we’ve been running a daily Twitter campaign to convince the last handful of undecided House Democrats to commit to saying “#NoFastTrack” for the Trans-Pacific Partnership—a secret trade deal that could have huge effects on our economy, environment, and so much more. Yesterday, as part of that push, we sent a […]
Dear fellow MoveOn member, More money out of your pocket. Less money for our communities. All so big corporations can pad their bottom lines. Most Americans believe it’s time to end corporate welfare. If you agree, I need you to watch and share this video right now. No more handouts for Big Oil, no more […]
Dear fellow MoveOn member, More money out of your pocket. Less money for our communities. All so big corporations can pad their bottom lines. Most Americans believe it’s time to end corporate welfare. If you agree, I need you to watch and share this video right now. No more handouts for Big Oil, no more special tax […]
Dear fellow MoveOn member, Elementary school students waking at 2 a.m. with nightmares about high-stakes tests. Middle schoolers stuck in crowded classrooms in underfunded schools. College grads whose reward for surviving it all is a lifetime of debt. Our broken education system is squashing passion for learning, eroding the love of teaching, and grinding up […]