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MoveOn Knocks Obama’s Nike Visit to Promote Fast-Track of Secret Trade Deal

Justin Krebs, campaign director for MoveOn.org Civic Action, responded to President Obama’s visit to Nike headquarters in Oregon today to promote Fast-Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a secret trade deal that puts corporate interests over the interests of American workers. “Today, President Obama promoted the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a massive corporate trade deal that would hurt […]

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MoveOn to House Dems on Iran: Thank You for Supporting Diplomacy

Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, issued the following statement in reaction to a report by The Washington Post earlier today that 150 Democratic members of the House of Representatives have signed a letter backing President Obama’s ongoing negoitions with Iran—dramatically improving the odds that Congress will not block an Iran nuclear deal:“Across the country and […]

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Robert Reich, MoveOn Launch ‘Big Picture’ Ideas Campaign: 10 Ideas to Save the Economy

Video-based campaign features former Labor Secretary Robert Reich laying out bold solutions to some of our nation’s toughest challenges. First video making the case for increasing minimum wage to $15 an hour leans into the fresh momentum generated by NY Gov. Cuomo’s major announcement of plan to dramatically raise pay for 180,000 fast-food workers across […]

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MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland on Bernie Sanders Entering the Presidential Race

Statement of Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, on the entry of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders into the Democratic presidential contest: “MoveOn members welcome Sen. Bernie Sanders to the presidential race. MoveOn members have cheered on Sen. Sanders for years as he’s stood up to the Wall Street banks and wealthy interests who […]

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Meet Run Warren Run’s “Team Iowa”

Have you ever wondered why you hear so much about Iowa during presidential election season? The answer is simple: Iowa is the first state to weigh in on the presidential election every four years in the Iowa Caucuses—their version of primaries. It’s imperative that presidential campaigns have a strong presence in Iowa and I’m proud to say that Run […]

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MUST READ: Seven Iowa Run Warren Run Volunteers Share Their Inspiring Reasons for Joining the Movement

One of the most incredible things about Run Warren Run Team Iowa is the work of the amazing Run Warren Run volunteers. Our Team Iowa volunteers are honestly an exact representation of every political organizer’s dream. They are passionate, hard-working, talented, smart, dedicated, kind, funny—insert any positive adjective you can think of and I promise you they represent […]

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