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MoveOn response to Netroots Nation presidential town hall

MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland had the following reaction to the #BlackLivesMatter action at the Netroots Nation presidential town hall in Phoenix this morning and to Sen. Sanders’ and Gov. O’Malley’s responses: “The presidential candidates’ responses today to the powerful protest led by Black activists at Netroots Nation—as well as other remarks from […]

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MoveOn responds to historic agreement with Iran

Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, responded today to news of a historic agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear program: “The diplomatic negotiations between the United States and five world powers have yielded a strong, verifiable deal with Iran. MoveOn members are going to fight like hell to defend it and to stop opponents […]

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This weekend: Teach-ins to Save the Economy!

On July 18 and 19, thousands of MoveOn members will join Teach-ins to Save the Economy! Over the last several months, MoveOn has worked with Robert Reich to break down some of the solutions to the challenges we face in taking back our economy–from making work family-friendly, to creating Medicare for all, to ending mass […]

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MoveOn, Allies Send Letter to Congress on Iran Talks

On Tuesday, MoveOn.org and more than 3 dozen allied grassroots organizations sent a letter to members of Congress encouraging them to support ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran. The letter reads in part: “The following organizations, representing millions of Americans, urge you to support the strong nuclear deal being negotiated currently between world powers and Iran, […]

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MoveOn Applauds SCOTUS Decision on ACA: ‘GOP Must End Frivolous Attacks on Obamacare and Move On’

Moments ago, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a major 6-3 decision in the case of King v. Burwell upholding critical components of the Affordable Care Act. Responding to the decision, Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, issued the following statement: “Today’s Supreme Court ruling in King v. Burwell upholds critical components of the […]

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#TakeDownTheFlag Petitions Multiply; Hundreds of Thousands Call on States, Corporations to Remove Racist Symbol

More than 600,000 people have signed more than 50 petitions on MoveOn.org calling for states to stop flying the Confederate flag on government property, discontinue Confederate license plates, and stop selling Confederate merchandise. In the week since the racially motivated terrorist attack in Charleston, more than 600,000 people have signed petitions on MoveOn.org calling on […]

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