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Pres. Obama: #AmericaWelcomes Syrian refugees

A week ago, our hearts were broken by the photo of a little boy, drowned, lying alone in the sand. But new images of people with open arms welcoming exhausted Syrian refugees the world over have begun to put our hearts back together. The profound decency of ordinary folks is driving governments to respond to […]

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Huge Win for Diplomacy Thanks to Massive Grassroots Mobilization

Moments ago, the Senate failed to reach cloture on legislation rejecting diplomacy and the Iran nuclear accord, a resounding defeat for anti-diplomacy forces. Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, had the following statement reacting to the news, declaring it a “major, people-powered victory for diplomacy over war”: “This afternoon, diplomacy won as war […]

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MoveOn urges Obama administration to increase the number of Syrian refugees to at least 100,000 by end of 2015

Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, had the following statement in response to President Obama’s directive for the United States to welcome at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next fiscal year: “Today, President Obama has set far too low a goal for Syrian refugee resettlement in the United States. While we appreciate […]

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Make a difference: Go solar today!

Switching to solar power is a quick but powerful action you can take to protect the planet. That’s why we’re testing a partnership with Sungevity, a solar energy company, to help MoveOn members power their homes with solar energy — plus, get a discount and support our campaign work at the same time!

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Trying New Ways to Increase Our Progressive Impact

There are millions of MoveOn members across the country, and our individual buying choices as can add up to a significant force for making America more progressive. That’s why we’re testing ways to connect our members with ethically aligned services, such as some solar energy vendors, that advance our overall mission of making the country better for everyone.

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MoveOn responds to GOP efforts to claim President’s Iran deal actions are illegal

MoveOn.org Political Action Campaign Director Justin Krebs had the following statement in response to reports that some Republicans, including Sen. Ted Cruz, are urging Republican leadership to vote on a resolution claiming President Obama’s actions with respect to Iran diplomacy are illegal, rather than actually voting on the resolution of disapproval of the Iran nuclear […]

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MoveOn response to 41 Senators supporting Iran deal

MoveOn.org Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman had the following statement in response to news that Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Gary Peters (D-MI), and Ron Wyden (D-OR), will support the nuclear deal with Iran, bringing the number of senators supporting the agreement to 41: “41 votes for the Iran deal means something profound: We’ve finally […]

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MoveOn statement on Sen. Cardin choosing war over diplomacy

MoveOn.org Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman had the following statement in response to news that Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) will oppose the nuclear deal with Iran and will try to put the nation on the path to war: “Senator Cardin’s deeply troubling decision to oppose the historic diplomatic agreement with Iran amounts to support […]

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