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Close Finish in NV Shows Bernie Can Be Competitive Nationwide

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, had the following response to Bernie Sanders’ close finish in the Nevada Democratic caucuses: “A few weeks ago, skeptics rejected the idea that Bernie would even be competitive in Nevada. Yet today, he has won a substantial share of the state’s delegates, demonstrating that he can be […]

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New York Times Editorial Board Agrees with MoveOn Members

Today, the New York Times editorialized that voters, not superdelegates, should decide who the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee should be at the Democratic National Convention in July. That’s the message championed by thousands of MoveOn members and allies over the past two weeks and the op-ed specifically cites MoveOn’s campaign and message in making its case. Can you take […]

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Huge Win for Sanders in New Hampshire

Tonight’s impressive win is a wake-up call to cynics who have had difficulty envisioning a departure from the status quo. The American people are fed up with a corrupt and broken political system, believe change is possible, and are ready to make it happen.

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Iowa results a huge win for Bernie

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, had the following response to the results of the Democratic caucuses in Iowa: “It is incredible that Bernie Sanders came from so far behind in just a few short months, closing a massive gap to end up in a virtual tie in the Iowa Caucus tonight. These […]

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