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MoveOn: “Trump’s Hate-Filled Rhetoric On Notice After Tonight’s Event”

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, responded to news of the postponement of Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago on Friday:  “Mr. Trump and the Republican leaders who support him and his hate-filled rhetoric should be on notice after tonight’s events. These protests are a direct result of the violence that has occurred at Trump rallies and […]

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Statement: MoveOn on Violence at Trump Events

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, responded to video of a protestor at a Donald Trump rally being punched in the face in North Carolina on Wednesday: “The footage of a Trump supporter punching a nonviolent protestor in the face is deeply disturbing. This shameful and disgusting act is just the latest in […]

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MoveOn on Sanders’ victory in Michigan

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, had the following response to Bernie Sanders’ impressive victory in the Michigan Democratic primary: “Bernie Sanders’ come-from-behind win in Michigan tonight should serve as a warning to anyone who wants to declare the Democratic primary race over before all voters have had their say. “This victory proves […]

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MoveOn launches mobile billboard, microsite pushing Gov. Snyder to fix lead pipes in Flint

This weekend, ahead of the Democratic Debate in Flint, MoveOn.org Civic Action is launching a new microsite and mobile billboard campaign designed to keep attention on Governor Snyder’s continued failure to address the Flint’s water crisis and to pressure him to take action.  MoveOn is sharing this digital counter through allies and popular websites, nationally […]

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MoveOn Members in 48 States Call on Superdelegates to Let Voters Decide

From Maine to California, MoveOn members in 48 states have started petition campaigns calling on their states’ superdelegates to honor the will of the voters at the Democratic National Convention in July. More than 350,000 MoveOn members have already signed national petitions calling on their superdelegates to vote for the candidate with the most pledged delegates […]

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APPLY NOW: MoveOn.org Washington Coordinator

Are you highly organized, detail-oriented, and a great collaborator? Want to work closely with MoveOn’s Washington Director to help empower millions of Americans fighting for progressive values? Come be part of the MoveOn team! The Washington Director handles incoming and outgoing communication, strategic prioritization, scheduling, administration, and project management of MoveOn.org’s DC advocacy efforts, office, […]

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