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Take action to pass a clean Dream Act

Our message is clear: NOW is the time for members of Congress to show that they are listening and acting on their constituents’ demand for the clean Dream Act — or begin facing the consequences. 800,000 immigrant youth should never have been thrown into this kind of cruel chaos by Trump, as he did when he […]

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Video: Dreamers respond to the end of DACA

When Donald Trump ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, he threw the lives of 800,000 immigrant youth into chaos and put them at risk of deportation. Watch the video to hear from Dreamers about what this means. Tell Congress to pass a clean Dream Act immediately to protect Carlos, Mariel, and 800,000 […]

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Dialing Up Our Resistance: Two Progressive Juggernauts Join Forces

Creative Majority’s Daily Action Unites With MoveOn to Fight Extremism Washington DC — Today, Creative Majority PAC announced that Daily Action will join forces with MoveOn.org in a move that will empower America’s grassroots resistance in its fight against President Trump’s extremist agenda. Daily Action, the calling service that went viral after Trump’s election, has […]

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Grassroots groups respond to Trump’s decision to decertify the Iran nuclear deal

Joint statement by Beyond the Bomb, CREDO, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Indivisible, J Street, MoveOn.org Civic Action, NIAC Action, Peace Action, VoteVets, Win Without War, and Women’s Action for New Directions on Donald Trump’s decision to decertify the Iran nuclear agreement. Donald Trump’s decision to decertify the Iran nuclear agreement — also known as […]

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MoveOn members step-up for Puerto Rico with historic fundraiser

Last week, MoveOn members joined with Lin–Manuel Miranda—creator of “Hamilton”—to support relief efforts in Puerto Rico. We hoped to raise $250,000—money that’s urgently needed, given the scale of this humanitarian disaster and the Trump Administration’s appalling response. In just 48 hours, MoveOn members donated more than $2.5 million, ultimately raising more than $3 million, 100% of which […]

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MoveOn: Birth control access is basic health care; new rules cater to extremists

WASHINGTON, DC — Moments ago, the Trump Administration issued new a new rule rolling back the federal requirement that employers include birth control coverage in their health insurance plans.  The decision, which vastly expands exemptions for those employers who cite moral or religious objections to providing birth control, will impact the more than 55 million […]

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