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About MoveOn Education Fund

Sustaining and driving the long arc of social change

A Short History
About MoveOn.org Civic Action
About MoveOn.org Political Action
MoveOn’s Electoral Work
MoveOn’s Gift Acceptance Policy
Careers with MoveOn

For 20 years, MoveOn has been a progressive campaigning powerhouse—engaging millions of Americans in innovative organizing efforts to counter the toxic influence of big money in politics and the radical right agenda, and build a nation where everyone can thrive.

The MoveOn Education Fund is a 501c3 organization that educates and mobilizes supporters, as well as the broader American public, on a wide variety of issues including economic, racial, and gender justice; the influence of money in politics; climate change; gun safety; foreign policy; defending democratic institutions, and much more. MoveOn mobilizes and educates its mass membership and conducts trainings and leadership development at scale. It places added focus on disadvantaged groups who lack access to decision makers or have been marginalized. MoveOn excels in community building through innovative tech platforms linking previously unconnected communities to each other and to the resources they need to have their voices heard.

Joining MoveOn Civic Action, a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization, and MoveOn Political Action, a federal PAC, the MoveOn Education Fund has been formed as a 501(c)(3) public charity to strengthen the fabric of MoveOn’s existing efforts by developing more robust community education, capacity building, and community building opportunities, as well as sustained organizing on long-arc public policy campaigns that matter most to MoveOn members.

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.