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You Voted! Check Out The Crowd Favorite Among The “Top 5” Of 2011

As of 9am EST on January 3rd, the people have spoken.

The winner, with 1515 votes, is The Most Aggressive Defense Of Teachers You’ll Hear This Year:

Betcha didn’t think that he was gonna say that!

This video was submitted by Brandon W. and originally found on JackLeftTown’s YouTube Channel.

Wondering who the runner-ups were?

In 2nd place:
The Elizabeth Warren Quote Every American Needs To See, with 1358 votes.

In 3rd place:
Pay Your Taxes? These Companies Didn’t, with 1285 votes.

In 4th place:
What If This Everyone Had This Facebook Status?, with 1266 votes.

In 5th place:
Two Lesbians Raised A Baby And This Is What They Got, with 860 votes.

Note: There’s still one day left to vote on the top 10 game-changing progressive moments in 2011!