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Tag: Health Care

VICTORY: Mental Health Services Stay Open in Southern Tier

In July, the New York State Office of Mental Health announced plans to close two mental health facilities in the state’s Southern Tier—a move that would deny more than a million rural New Yorkers access to local mental health care. Morgan Willoughby started a MoveOn Petition to save the facilities and keep those vital services in the region.

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Republicans Think You’re Stupid, Prove Them Wrong

Obamacare enrollment starts today! Enroll now, and tell your friends.

Starting today, millions of uninsured people can sign up for affordable health insurance by visiting www.healthcare.gov. Thanks, Obamacare!
But conservative groups are spending lavishly to try and convince people not to sign up. They’re showing up on college campuses passing out beer coozies bearing the words “Opt out.” Let’s show the Republicans that we won’t fall for their scare tactics, by spreading the word about Obamacare.

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