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Tag: Economic Justice

The Big Picture: Estate Tax

Dear fellow MoveOn member, To prevent the rise of a new aristocracy, we need to raise the estate tax—a tax on inherited wealth. And we need to do it now. The richest 1 percent of Americans hold 42 percent of our nation’s wealth.1 We haven’t seen this concentration of wealth since the Gilded Age of […]

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The Big Picture: End Corporate Welfare

Dear fellow MoveOn member, More money out of your pocket. Less money for our communities. All so big corporations can pad their bottom lines. Most Americans believe it’s time to end corporate welfare. If you agree, I need you to watch and share this video right now. No more handouts for Big Oil, no more […]

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The Big Picture: Tame Wall Street

Dear fellow MoveOn member, There is only one way to truly tame Wall Street, so that everyday Americans like you and me don’t end up losing our jobs or our savings or our homes. You won’t see this solution on mainstream TV. Please watch and share it now. This is the fourth idea in our […]

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10 Ideas to Save the Economy: Expand Social Security

Dear fellow MoveOn member, Flat wages and the end of pensions have left millions of Americans facing a retirement crisis. Already, nearly half of our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents would live in poverty if it weren’t for Social Security. There is a simple solution, and it starts with defending Social Security from the right […]

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VICTORY: Walmart Raises Its Wages!

Walmart employs hundreds of thousands of Americans across the country. The majority of those workers make minimum wage—as Walmart executives are making BILLIONS. Our friends at OUR Walmart have been fighting for a living wage by starting petitions, staging protests, and organizing to fight for their rights. Last week, Walmart workers won a big victory: Walmart announced that they will […]

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