This Video MIGHT Stop Romney From Becoming President

In 4 minutes, you’ll know what you need to. Then we just ask that you please hit the “Share” button so others will, too.
In 4 minutes, you’ll know what you need to. Then we just ask that you please hit the “Share” button so others will, too.
This graphic says everything that needs to be said.
The frightening modern-day version of the old classic, ‘I’m Just A Bill.’
Citizens United explained like only Bernie can.
When you look at it this way, you can see how scary this really is.
Two minutes of pure WTF?! Look for the smirk starting at 0:27. And at 0:37. And again at 1:10 . . . Watch:
On her way to a $50,000 a plate Romney fundraiser at the Koch’s Hampton estate, this is what one supporter had to say:
There are a number of alternative toilet paper brands to choose from. Which direction you hang it from the roll is entirely up to you.
It seems they are more transparent than we thought.
And shouldn’t Mitt Romney stand up if Latinos are being discriminated against?