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MoveOn Statement on Rep. Santos Expulsion

Executive Director Rahna Epting: This is a massive victory for New York 3rd District residents who are finally free from a lying lawmaker cheating the system to pad his own pockets and his closet.

You can find pictures of the display here. 

Washington, D.C. – Following Rep. George Santos‘s expulsion from Congress, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting released the following statement:

“Is there anyone in the market for a 15-foot George Santos balloon? The Republican Party enabled Rep. Santos and his rampant corruption for far too long. This is a massive victory for New York 3rd District residents who are finally free from a lying lawmaker cheating the system to pad his own pockets and his closet.” 

As covered by The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, and more, MoveOn flew a 15-foot inflatable of disgraced Rep. George Santos outside the Capitol this week during a rally demanding that Congress expel him. Since he was sworn in, MoveOn and its Long Island members have been calling for Santos to resign or be expelled. More than 154,000 members signed a petition for him to step aside over his rampant lies and corruption.



MoveOn is a people-powered force for progress. MoveOn mobilizes the left to elect Democrats and enact progressive change. We are the homebase for millions of members who refuse to accept the status quo and are moved to take action. For more than a generation, MoveOn has been a bulwark against the radical right, channeling our voices to end wars, protect democracy, and advance justice for all.