If You Don’t Think What This Black Man Went Through Is Bullsh_t, Then You’re Part Of The Problem

“I’m not a thug, I’m not a hoodlum. I’m well educated. But I’m still a black man!”
“I’m not a thug, I’m not a hoodlum. I’m well educated. But I’m still a black man!”
This pretty much sums it up.
A few weeks ago, Obama stood in support of marriage equality. Where does Romney stand on this issue, and how does this make him more terrifying than George W. Bush?
You should only watch this if you like common sense solutions.
What you don’t know CAN hurt you.
And as the war in Afghanistan continued past its tenth year, the American people remained silent and distracted . . .
You know VH1’s Behind The Music? This is the Scott Walker version.
The 1% isn’t going to like this one.
Because what happens in Wisconsin doesn’t stay there. Just ask citizens of Florida, and Michigan, and Ohio, and . . .
So, what does this say about Mitt Romney? Really, it speaks volumes.