8 New Lies From A Lying Liar Who Thinks He Can Lie His Way To The Presidency
In between all of his aggression and awkward phrasing, he managed to blather out even more lies than last time. Here are eight of the biggest:
In between all of his aggression and awkward phrasing, he managed to blather out even more lies than last time. Here are eight of the biggest:
Hilarious, yet slightly terrifying! Here’re some of the best internet creations we’ve found:
It is awesome.
If you missed footage of Romney starting to lose his sh*t, we have it right here.
Is he really a job creator? Here are some employees working for one of Bain’s holdings right now to tell it straight.
Every voter needs to see this.
The economist championing the middle class gives his take on how it went. A MoveOn exclusive.
The consensus is that Martha Raddatz killed it last night. She shares her viewpoint on it.
Wow. Here’s one of the many reasons we can’t afford more war:
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