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Category: Uncategorized

MoveOn members and allies urge congress to introduce the Senate bill and file a discharge petition for comprehensive immigration reform

Comprehensive immigration reform is currently stalled in Congress, MoveOn members join America’s Voice, 18MillionRising, We Belong Together, CREDO Action, and MomsRising.org in urging congress to introduce the  bipartisan Senate bill and push for a discharge petition to pass comprehensive immigration reform this fall, after the August recess.   Dear members of Congress, On behalf of […]

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Thanks For RSVP’ing

Can you join us? “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead

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SHARE THIS IMAGE: Student Loan Rates Are About to Double

We need to spread the word that Federal Stafford student loan interest rates are set to double on July 1 unless Congress acts. Will you help by sharing this image and telling Congress #dontdoublemyrates?   Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a plan to give students the same low rates that we give the big banks, and […]

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.