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Category: Uncategorized

Just 15 days until the Pennsylvania primary

Daylin Leach’s campaign just launched its first TV ad that talks about his upbringing—and his eagerness to take on Tom Corbett and the NRA, to fight to protect Social Security and women’s rights, and to stand up to the big banks and Wall Street in Congress. Will you watch this video and share it with everyone […]

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MoveOn members endorse Jeff Merkley for Senate

MoveOn members in Oregon have voted decisively to endorse Jeff Merkley for re-election to the U.S. Senate. Here’s what a few members across the state had to share about Sen. Merkley:   “Jeff led a successful effort to roll back a portion of the filibuster blockade, the first progress in changing this toxic Senate rule in […]

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MoveOn members endorse Shenna Bellows for Senate

MoveOn members in Maine have voted decisively to endorse Shenna Bellows for the U.S. Senate. Here’s what a few members across the state had to share about this Senate race:  “Shenna Bellows is a candidate of Elizabeth Warren caliber. She actively pursued justice and equality in her job for the Maine ACLU branch, and has the values, skills, […]

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MoveOn Members Endorse Shenna Bellows (D-ME) and Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) in First General Election Endorsements of 2014

In the group’s first general election endorsements of 2014, MoveOn.org Political Action announced today that MoveOn members in Oregon and Maine have voted decisively to endorse progressive champions Shenna Bellows for Senate in Maine and Senator Jeff Merkley for reelection in Oregon. “The resounding votes in both states confirm that Senator Jeff Merkley and Shenna […]

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