MoveOn members endorse Ruben Gallego for Congress

Here are examples of the sponsored Facebook posts, promoted tweets, and pre-roll video Civic Action members have pitched in to run to ensure that lawmakers and their staffs hear the powerful voice of Richard Martinez, the parent of a victim of the shooting at UCSB:
Here’s what a few MoveOn members shared: “Instead of representing New Yorkers who want progressive solutions to growing economic inequality, Cuomo is siding with employers and Wall Street because he thinks that will help his presidential ambitions,” wrote David L., a MoveOn member from Brooklyn, as he responded to the survey. “We need a governor […]
Richard Martinez’s son was killed in the UC Santa Barbara mass shooting. We want to get video footage of his powerful public remarks in front of every staffer on Capitol Hill in Washington, and every state legislator around the country. MoveOn members are chipping in now to make that happen. Watch Mr. Martinez’s powerful interview […]
Together, we did something unprecedented. Last Thursday, May 15, within minutes of a vote in Washington, D.C. that set the stage for a showdown over the future of the Internet, MoveOn members and allies from Fight for the Future, Free Press, and CREDO were in the streets, gathering at rarely-visited, remote FCC offices in 19 […]
Today, the Federal Communications Commission is set to vote on introducing a proposal that could put the Internet as we know it at risk. The FCC proposal could allow big corporations like Verizon and Comcast to charge big websites for an Internet fast lane, putting the rest of us in the slow lane and tearing […]
MoveOn, CREDO, Free Press Members to Protest in Communities Nationwide Demanding the FCC ‘Save the Internet’ and Protect Net Neutrality As It Meets to Consider Chairman Wheeler’s Proposal to Create a Two-Tiered Internet In solidarity with the hundreds of people planning to demonstrate outside the Federal Communications Commission’s Washington, D.C. headquarters on Thursday, May […] is fighting to keep the Internet open with a new TV ad calling on the FCC to listen to President Obama on the issue.
Rep. Stockman’s ‘MoveOn supports terrorists’ attack is ridiculous on its face. This kind of dishonest attack is exactly the reason Steve Stockman has zero credibility. Remember, Rep. Stockman is the guy who said President Obama’s support of marriage equality is ‘setting up for a dictatorship,’ that the GM bailout brought ‘fascism’ to America, and that the […]