What If The Country Isn’t Really Broke?

A wonderful new clip from the folks who brought us ‘The Story Of Stuff.’
A wonderful new clip from the folks who brought us ‘The Story Of Stuff.’
At #OccupyBerkeley yesterday, these cops decided to get out their ‘batons’ (a.k.a. clubs) and . . . well, watch:
How much do you really know about the Tea Party?
Can you say self-destruct?
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The top 1% — bankers, oil tycoons, and hedge fund managers — don’t even play in the same ballpark as the top 0.01% of wealthy Americans: the military contractor CEOs.
At a Bernie Sanders town meeting in Vermont, Verne McGrew had a message or two from the 99%. Watch:
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Economist Robert Reich visits Occupy San Francisco and talks with occupiers about why we are in this moment together.
We don’t know, but here’s how much they make compared to the 99% . . .