DUH: Fox Viewers Know Significantly Less Than Folks Who Watch No News At All
Of course, you already knew that, but be a good neighbor and share this with someone who doesn’t.
Of course, you already knew that, but be a good neighbor and share this with someone who doesn’t.
It’s two minutes and sixteen seconds of pure common sense that you can share with everyone.
Watch UC Davis Chancellor Katehi walk past thousands of students, all sitting in absolute silence as a protest of their treatment at the hands of campus cops last week.
The one guy who absolutely ought to be.
Classic Bernie, speaking the truth and giving Wolf Blitzer an education, too.
Special thanks to the awesome activists who made the projection on the Verizon building happen!
Who is that? He happens to be quite important to #OccupyWallStreet.
‘Countdown with Keith Olbermann’ had the feisty 84-year-old as a guest Wednesday.
Either way, they desperately need to hear this message today.
Key phrase: if they want to.