Pay Your Taxes? These 10 Companies Didn’t.
This graphic is one of our top 5 shared progressive pieces of 2011. We’ll report back on the results of the voting on January 3rd, 2012.
This graphic is one of our top 5 shared progressive pieces of 2011. We’ll report back on the results of the voting on January 3rd, 2012.
This video is one of our top 5 shared progressive pieces of 2011. We’ll report back on the results of the voting on January 3rd, 2012.
In less than three minutes, our favorite economist spells out what it’s going to take to get our support.
This video is one of our top 5 shared progressive pieces of 2011. We’ll report back on the results of the voting on January 3rd, 2012.
This quote was taken from an August 2010 discussion of Proposition 8, the law that would put a statewide ban on gay marriage in California.
The entire scene is a thing of beauty.
Shocking, isn’t it?
Senator Harry Reid is going to tell you.
There was no emergency broadcast system for this.
Bernie Sanders takes on ‘Citizens United.’