The Insanity Of U.S. Military Spending In One Chart

Imagine if we spent that money on hiring better teachers. Or providing cost-free health care. Or expanding our libraries. Or . . .
Imagine if we spent that money on hiring better teachers. Or providing cost-free health care. Or expanding our libraries. Or . . .
This used to be a big reason for insurance companies to deny coverage. What was it?
Let’s make this go viral now!
Sorry, we think we’ll pass.
Guess who they really don’t care for? Educated women who vote.
He got it right.
We hear Snoop DOGG is looking for a co-producer. Mitt, you available? Say, mid-November?
We would never let ourselves be pitted against each other because the 1% had left us broke and desperate, right? Oh, wait . . .
How many millions of cancer tests and STD screenings must they provide before the GOP declares a ceasefire?
Keith Olbermann and Lewis Black analyze The War On Women, Rush, and the GOP candidates.