Oh Mitt! You’ve Got Some Explaining To Do

Nothing screams ‘I believe in America’ like this graphic!
Nothing screams ‘I believe in America’ like this graphic!
Two men loved each other very much but weren’t allowed to get married. Their story could be your story.
Yesterday’s North Carolina Amendment 1 vote made extra sure that marriage equality was banned in the state constitution. It also now makes it official that all 11 original Confederate states (13 if you count Missouri and Kentucky, as the South did) have adopted a constitutional amendment discriminating against this particular minority . . . sigh.
Stephen Colbert brings up a really good point. Quick, get rid of your fire extinguishers and anything else this logic applies to!
DISCLAIMER: MoveOn.org doesn’t actually condone getting rid of fire extinguishers. As everyone knows, fire extinguishers are an important part of fire safety. MoveOn.org was just kidding.
Another reason this man is a champion of the American people!
This clip is a few years old, but it’s still so satisfying to watch!
Just watch.
What happens when millions of Americans get fed up?
A break down in how elected officials measure up to those who gave them gainful employment.
Who could be against healthy pregnancies and babies?