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Category: Must See Content

This Cab Ride in NYC Will Open Up Your Eyes to the Issue of Income Inequality in America

“I believe the playing field is rigged. Evidence of that is everywhere. Now I’ve been in the Senate for nearly a year and believe as strongly as ever that the system is rigged for powerful interests and against working families.”—Elizabeth Warren A couple of weeks back, I took a quick trip to attend an Artists for Warren event […]

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Celebrities to Elizabeth Warren: Please run for president

What would you do if you got a letter from 90-some well-known artists–actors, directors, musicians, and other members of the creative community–asking you to run for president? That’s a question you can ask Senator Elizabeth Warren; she just received an open letter from the members of “Artists for Warren,” a growing group of artists and creatives urging the senator to […]

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MoveOn statement on EPA’s comments on Keystone XL pipeline

MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland on the comments released today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline: “The EPA’s official comments on the Keystone XL pipeline make it clearer than ever that this dangerous project would increase the carbon pollution that’s accelerating climate change. For years, MoveOn members […]

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MUST SEE: A look back at the work we did together in 2014!

Looking back at this year it is certainly clear that we were faced with plenty of darkness, but at the same time, there’ve been so many reasons for hope! Through it all, MoveOn members never stopped fighting. Take a minute to look at just some of the work we’ve accomplished together this year. Thank you for all you do, and here’s to 2015.

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Run Warren Run news, Dec. 18

It’s been an incredible few days for Run Warren Run — less than two weeks in and we’re already seeing powerful momentum. Java Joe’s coffeehouse was packed for our kick-off event in Des Moines last night. The atmosphere was electric, the speakers inspiring, and the 100 Iowans who showed up were ready to get to […]

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