Tax Cuts, Wars Account for Nearly Half of Public Debt

If policies continue as-is, this is what public debt will look like in 2019.
If policies continue as-is, this is what public debt will look like in 2019.
Hey buddy, did you miss the memo? The jig is up on the GOP’s Medicare lies.
Maybe there’s hope for gay rights in America after all.
Popular YouTube puppies encouraged to apply. No political experience necessary.
An eloquent man named Kurt Rutzen, who lives with cerebral palsy, sums up what extreme cuts to public services will mean to disabled people. He’s testifying to the Minnesota Senate, but the same story could be told in dozens of states across the country, and in Washington.
Check out Roy Zimmerman’s hot song, “Vote Republican.” It isn’t topping the Billboard charts yet, but it’s doing pretty well on YouTube.
Long-shot Democratic candidate Kathy Hochul won a special election last night that largely turned on voters’ disgust at the Ryan plan to abolish Medicare.
If you saw Janet Mock walking down the street in her hometown of New York, you’d never guess that she was born as Charles.
Editor’s note: This originally ran in May of 2011, when Newt first struck out as a candidate. He wrote an epic speech then that the media absolutely skewered. Here is that original campaign-ending speech, courtesy of The Colbert Report and performed in grandiose fashion by the great John Lithgow.
In case you missed it last week, here’s John Lithgow on ‘The Colbert Report,’ performing a hysterical reading of Newt’s ‘my first week was a disaster but I’m not quitting yet’ press release. And yes, this is completely verbatim.
What’s funny about malaria? Lots.