What Does The 1% Think Of #OccupyWallStreet?

The cover of the latest ‘The New Yorker’ magazine might offer some clues.
The cover of the latest ‘The New Yorker’ magazine might offer some clues.
Because it’s hard to tell where fiction and reality part for them sometimes.
“On the one-month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, I went to Liberty Plaza to find out where the movement will go next. I found a feeling of optimism that was so incredibly inspiring.” –Ed David, director.
We really don’t know, but let’s start with the 261 in Congress . . .
It’s almost as if they want to hand-select their audience. Oh, wait . . .
You’re about to find out.
In a nutshell, yes.
She’s putting them on notice.
Do you think he’d join #OccupyWallStreet?
If you can’t win ’em over, just keep them from voting.