Category: Impact and Wins
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, July 3 2013
Developers in the San Francisco bay area wanted to build a 12 story basketball arena and entertainment complex over open bay waters, circumventing the environmental regulatory process. So Jamie Whitaker and the San Francisco Waterfront Alliance created a MoveOn Petition to enforce stronger environmental regulations on future developments.
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By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, July 3 2013
When Governor Tom Corbett announced plans to cut funding for the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, the preservation of Pennsylvania’s state parks was at risk. That’s why Adam Garber of the organization PennEnvironment started a MoveOn Petition in support of the Keystone Fund.
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By MoveOn Staff. Monday, July 1 2013
After Albuquerque voters overwhelmingly passed a minimum wage increase to $8.50 an hour, residents all over Bernalillo County wanted to do the same. Christian Norton of the organization Working America created a MoveOn Petition to the Bernalillo County Commissioners, asking them to raise the minimum wage all over the county.
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, June 14 2013
Whole Foods suspended two Albuquerque employees for complaining after they were told they weren’t allowed to speak Spanish at work. So Pat Davis of ProgressNow New Mexico created a MoveOn Petition demanding that the company change its discriminatory English-only policy.
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By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, June 11 2013
Climate change deniers were fighting against the implementation of Next Generation Science Standards, which would include facts about climate change in Kansas and Kentucky public school curriculums. So parents, Sheila Anderson and Dennis Newell created MoveOn Petitions asking the Board of Education in each state to pass the new standards.
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By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, June 5 2013
Eleven-year-old Marcel Neergaard, who had come out as gay, and was severely bullied in school, created a MoveOn Petition with his family, asking StudentsFirst to withdraw its award to Rep. Ragan.
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LGBTQ+ Rights
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, June 5 2013
MoveOn member Cathy Ware was worried about the state of her local community playground at the Beethoven School. Outdated play structures and poor groundskeeping made the playground dangerous for the young children who visited. That’s why she started a MoveOn Petition asking the Boston Parks Department to make the park safer.
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By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, June 4 2013
When Bain Capital took over the Guitar Center stores in 2005, they cut insurance benefits, increased mandatory sales targets, slashed wages, and made it harder for employees to earn commissions. That’s why Guitar Center workers created a MoveOn Petition asking company executives to recognize their right to unionize and negotiate for a fair contract.
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By MoveOn Staff. Monday, June 3 2013
Reyna Montoya, an organizer for United We Dream created a MoveOn Petition to stop the deportation of her father. After continued pressure from UWD and allies, ICE decided to release her father Mario Montoya Garcia so he could be reunited with his family.
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By MoveOn Staff. Friday, May 24 2013
Damian Garcia, a senior at St. Pius High School, asked to walk in a boys’ black cap and gown for graduation. Damian had legally changed his name and his family, friends, classmates, and teachers all knew him as male, but his school refused to recognize his gender identity—just because his birth certificate reads “female.” That’s why Torrey Moorman and her two sons started a MoveOn Petition to the school’s principal asking that Damian be allowed to walk in a boys’ cap and gown.
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