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We’re asking you to. Someone you know (maybe even you) will use this to change things. You have to make sure they see it. WATCH:
The health of Michiganders was at stake while Republican Governor Rick Snyder decided whether to accept new federal dollars to expand the state’s Medicaid program. That’s why Fran Brennan of the organization Working America created a MoveOn Petition to Governor Snyder, asking him to accept the funds.
When the Tribune Company went up for sale, it was widely reported that the Koch brothers were interested in acquiring its newspapers—including the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune. The billionaire Kochs and their tea party politics presented a clear threat to independent journalism, so several organizations, including Forecast the Facts, Courage Campaign, Working Families started MoveOn Petitions asking Tribune Company CEO Peter Liguori not to sell to the Koch brothers.
When a bill allowing for online voter registration passed through the Illinois Senate, the organization Chicago Votes knew the state was one step closer to creating a more innovative, open, and accessible democracy. That’s why Rebecca Reynolds and the Chicago Votes team created a MoveOn petition asking members of the Illinois General Assembly to support the bill.
Endangered orcas in the Pacific Northwest faced a serious threat when anti-environmental agribusiness groups petitioned to strip their Endangered Species Act protections. So Steve Mashuda of the organization Earthjustice created a MoveOn petition to the National Marine Fisheries Service demanding continued ESA protections for the orcas.
When the School District of Philadelphia decided to eliminate their Instrumental Music program, affecting more than 100,000 students, Maureen Brady created a MoveOn Petition to save the music program.
The proposed Saddle Crest housing development in Trabuco Canyon, California, would have destroyed the area’s ancient oak forests, scenic ridgelines, and other cherished natural resources. That’s why Ray Chandos created a MoveOn Petition to the Orange County Board of Supervisors, asking them to vote against the development.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau—the agency championed by Senator Elizabeth Warren to be a voice for consumers in Washington—was endangered when Republicans in Congress refused to reconfirm Richard Cordray, the bureau’s widely respected first director. That’s why James Lardner of Americans for Financial Reform created a MoveOn Petition to the U.S. Senate, asking them to allow an up-or-down vote on Cordray’s nomination.
In the wake of the “not guilty” verdict for George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, one juror announced that she’d signed with Martin Literary Management to write a book detailing the trial. Progressives all over the country were outraged that jury members might profit from Zimmerman’s acquittal. That’s why MoveOn member Barbara Graham created a Petition to Martin Literary Management, asking them to take back the book deal.
The City University of New York offered former CIA Director David Petraeus $150,000 to teach one seminar—50 times the typical salary of CUNY adjunct faculty. New York City Council Member Brad Lander started a MoveOn petition asking CUNY to rescind the offer and put the funds toward supporting low-income students or hiring more teachers