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Category: Impact and Wins

Huge People-Powered Win as FCC Protects Net Neutrality

Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, had the following statement in response to the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to use Title II to uphold Net Neutrality: This is an unequivocal victory for the millions of Americans who came together to show that people power can trump the power of corporate giants like Comcast […]

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VICTORY: Walmart Raises Its Wages!

Walmart employs hundreds of thousands of Americans across the country. The majority of those workers make minimum wage—as Walmart executives are making BILLIONS. Our friends at OUR Walmart have been fighting for a living wage by starting petitions, staging protests, and organizing to fight for their rights. Last week, Walmart workers won a big victory: Walmart announced that they will […]

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VICTORY: L.A. School Board Tells Gerawan Farms to Honor It’s Workers’ Union Contracts

Gerawan Farming employs over 5,000 workers at peak harvest season, selling peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, and grapes under its Prima label. Our friends at United Farm Workers have been working hard to protect the union rights of the Gerawan Farm workers. When the Los Angeles Unified School District Board, who contracts to purchase Gerawan’s products, […]

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VICTORY: Gov. Brown Signs “Dark Money” Disclosure Bill into Law

CA disclosure

In the wake of the large sums of out-of-state anonymous donations that flooded into California during the 2012 election, the Legislature took up SB27, which would require political nonprofits to identify their donors in California elections. So Trent Lange of the California Clean Money Campaign, along with allies including California Common Cause, Credo Action, Courage Campaign, MoveOn.org, and others, launched a campaign to get the bill passed.

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VICTORY for Free Speech in Nebraska

speech competition

The Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA) banned state speech champion Michael Barth from performing a poetry piece on gender identity at a recent competition. So MoveOn member Mike Nellis started a petition calling on the NSAA to allow Michael to perform his poetry.

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