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Category: Featured Campaigns

VICTORY: Anti-Refugee Measure Defeated in Congress

Something important happened last week: We stopped Congress from slamming the door on Syrian families seeking refuge. Against the odds, compassion and our best American values prevailed—beating out fear, hate-baiting, and xenophobia.1 It didn’t just happen. We fought for it. And we won. In the middle of this holiday season, we wanted to share what […]

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Tell Congress: More Funding for Syrian Refugees

Help War RefugeesNearly 60 million people worldwide have been driven from their homes by war and persecution. Half of the displaced are children. For once, instead of spending billions on war, we can use our resources to provide humanitarian relief and save lives. Call Congress and demand they do more by supporting the Graham-Leahy bill […]

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MoveOn to Host Democratic Presidential Candidate Forum in November

Clinton, O’Malley, and Sanders have been invited to engage with the 8-million-member strong MoveOn community on key progressive issues. MoveOn.org Political Action announced today that it will host what is thus far the only scheduled grassroots online candidate forum of the Democratic presidential primary. The mid-November forum will focus on progressive issues and feature questions […]

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Pres. Obama: #AmericaWelcomes Syrian refugees

A week ago, our hearts were broken by the photo of a little boy, drowned, lying alone in the sand. But new images of people with open arms welcoming exhausted Syrian refugees the world over have begun to put our hearts back together. The profound decency of ordinary folks is driving governments to respond to […]

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MoveOn Applauds SCOTUS Decision on ACA: ‘GOP Must End Frivolous Attacks on Obamacare and Move On’

Moments ago, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a major 6-3 decision in the case of King v. Burwell upholding critical components of the Affordable Care Act. Responding to the decision, Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, issued the following statement: “Today’s Supreme Court ruling in King v. Burwell upholds critical components of the […]

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MoveOn.org Reacts to the Tragic Church Shooting in South Carolina

The brutal murder of nine members of the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, is abhorrent and cause for national mourning. We extend our heartfelt condolences to all those grieving today in Charleston and across the nation. As part of a sickening legacy of racist violence perpetrated against the Black community, yesterday’s shooting is also […]

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MoveOn Members in California’s 17th District Endorse Mike Honda

California members of MoveOn.org Political Action have voted decisively to endorse progressive champion Rep. Mike Honda in the state’s 17th Congressional district, with an overwhelming 76% of votes cast in favor of backing Honda. The endorsement is the second by MoveOn members in the 2016 cycle. MoveOn has more than 17,000 members in California’s 17th […]

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