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Category: Featured Campaigns

Ready to Resist: Emergency Call with MoveOn.org, Indivisible, and Working Families Party, January 22, 2017

Thank you to the more than 24,800 people who joined in Sunday night, January 22, the day after the historic Women’s Marches, for the Emergency Call with MoveOn.org, Indivisible, and Working Families Party. We moved right into action, learning how to organize locally and effectively to stiffen Democratic spines and weaken pro-Trump Republican resolve, in […]

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Sessions Lashes Out at MoveOn and NAACP After More Than 180,000 People Sign Petition Overnight Opposing His Nomination Due to His Long Racist Record

MoveOn Petition Was Circulated by Alabama NAACP President Benard Simelton, Who Was Arrested in Civil Disobedience at Sessions’ Office Tuesday MoveOn Also Released New Video Featuring Leading Racial Justice, LGBTQ, and Immigrants’ Rights Advocates Opposing Sessions After a MoveOn.org petition by Alabama NAACP President Benard Simelton opposing the Jeff Sessions attorney general nomination because of […]

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Selfies trump Trump

Amid the constant barrage of hate and negativity from the Trump campaign, it can be natural to get frustrated, even angry. But that’s all the more reason why this is a critical moment to remember what we are hopeful for in this election. Why we’re giving it our all. Because here’s the thing: The real […]

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Thank You, Bernie

How MoveOn Members Helped Power the Bernie Sanders Revolution

The Bernie Sanders campaign has been truly extraordinary. It has upended the conventional wisdom about what’s possible politically in America and has inspired millions of people to get involved in their communities. Please take a minute today and check out the below infographic celebrating the incredible work MoveOn members have done these last 6 months. […]

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Iowan MoveOn members to Sen. Chuck Grassley: Do your job!

On May 9 and 10, Iowa MoveOn members traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with their senior Senator, Chuck Grassley. As former voters and supporters of Sen. Grassley, they delivered a powerful message that only voters can give: Sen. Grassley, you’ve lost our respect and our vote by playing politics with the Supreme Court. The […]

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Sanders Victory in Indiana Is Evidence His Ideas Are the Future of the Democratic Party

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, had the following response to Bernie Sanders’ win in the Indiana Democratic Primary this evening: Tonight’s victory for Bernie Sanders provides more evidence that his ideas are the future of the Democratic Party. If Democrats want to ensure victory in November it’s imperative that they embrace Bernie […]

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.