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Category: Featured Campaigns

A Milestone in Progressive Political History

OPEN map

When MoveOn.org started in 1998, the idea of using the internet to connect progressives and fuel a people-powered grassroots movement was unheard of. Now, progressive, online, member-led organizations are cropping up across the globe—all built on the MoveOn model.

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We Can’t Survive on $7.25

Workers need a McLivingWage

Yesterday, thousands of fast-food workers went on strike and organized rallies in more than 100 cities demanding a living wage, because, as New York strikers said, “We can’t survive on $7.25.” These efforts drew so much attention, even President Obama took notice, calling for an increase in the federal minimum wage in solidarity with “airport workers, […]

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This man wants you to know the truth about Fukushima


Radiation was leaking from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant, and the company tasked with containing the leaks, Tepco, wasn’t telling the public. MoveOn member Harvey Wasserman, an anti-nuclear activist in Columbus, Ohio, was determined to shine a light on the precarious situation.

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.