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MoveOn Member Stories: “My Vote Isn’t Just My Vote”

Written by Janet, MoveOn member. Political organizing doesn’t stop just because a pandemic is raging on. In a normal world, I would be knocking on doors, making phone calls, canvassing door-to-door, or stopping people on the street to have conversations about the election. But this time is different. In spite of life’s challenges, I am […]

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MoveOn Members Protest Nationwide on #SaveThePostOffice Saturday

“Save the Post Office Saturday” was a huge success! On Saturday, as House Democrats passed measures to repeal Louis DeJoy’s actions and fully fund the post office, tens of thousands of us gathered in front of post offices at more than 800 actions in every state across the country. Together, we demanded that Donald Trump and Postmaster General […]

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New Polls: Trump’s Use of Unidentified Federal Officers to Suppress Protest Is Backfiring in Senate and Presidential Battlegrounds

voters oppose unidentified federal police suppressing protests

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Majorities in Arizona, Maine, and North Carolina Oppose Trump’s Approach, Want Congress to Intervene Washington, DC — Voters in three key battleground states are closely following and by a significant majority oppose Donald Trump’s recent use of unidentified federal agents to suppress protests, according to new polling conducted by Public Policy Polling […]

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Leading Artists Partner with MoveOn, Amplifier Launch ‘Your Vote Is Power’ Initiative to Drive Young Voter Registration and Turnout

WASHINGTON, DC — Major artists including Nevermade, Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya and Thomas Wimberly are collaborating with MoveOn, a leading national progressive advocacy organization, and Amplifier, a design lab that builds art to amplify the voices of grassroots movements, to launch “Your Vote Is Power.” The new initiative will use art and culture to drive voter registration […]

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MoveOn Members Endorse Joe Biden for President

Biden won the group’s fourth-ever presidential endorsement with 82% of votes cast. MoveOn members have voted overwhelmingly to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden in his campaign for the presidency—the most recent benchmark in the organization’s electoral plan that will mobilize volunteers, turn out voters, and work to defeat Donald Trump. Biden won 82.4% of […]

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Who we are: Demographic information about MoveOn’s staff

We have been receiving an increasing number of questions from MoveOn members about the makeup of our staff, especially our racial demographics. With this post we are moving to make that information more transparent. As of June 12, 2020, 51% of our staff identify as people of color (16% identify as Black) and 49% identify […]

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Progressives Mobilize to Pass Heroes Act, House COVID Relief Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONTACT: Valerie Jean-Charles covidresponse@fenton.com Progressives Mobilize to Pass Heroes Act, House COVID Relief Bill Groups Vow to Continue Fighting for Improvements and Additional Relief WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leaders of the country’s biggest progressive organizations pledged today to mobilize their millions of members to pass the HEROES Act relief package just proposed […]

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Our Statement on Tara Reade’s Allegations Against Vice President Biden

Believe survivors has always meant that people who come forward with allegations of sexual violence deserve the presumption of truth, and that their allegations should be heard and respected, not ignored or dismissed. Sexual violence is an epidemic in our country. We owe survivors a process where they are treated fairly, in a trusted system. […]

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