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VICTORY: University of Wisconsin-Madison Takes Steps to Protect Workers in Bangladesh

For months, students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison voiced their outrage over their university’s use of foreign manufacturers in Bangladesh—many with ties to worker safety issues—only to be ignored. When the University of Wisconsin-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank announced that she was days away from a decision on what to do in the matter, United Students Against Sweatshops decided to step up the pressure and create a MoveOn petition demanding that she take real steps to protect garment workers in Bangladesh.

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Louisiana Threatens Legal Action to Suppress Billboard Criticizing Gov. Jindal on Medicaid Expansion

BATON ROUGE — MoveOn.org’s lawyers received a cease-and-desist letter from state of Louisiana officials today, one day after the state’s Republican lieutenant governor told the Baton Rouge Advocate that the state would pursue legal action to try to take down a billboard criticizing Governor Bobby Jindal. According to Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne, the state is […]

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MoveOn Members Urge Medicaid Expansion in Holdout States; New Billboards, Petitions, and Actions Target GOP Obstructionists in TX, FL, VA, NE, LA, and WI

As Republican governors and state legislators face increasing criticism for failing to provide access to health care for some of their poorest constituents, MoveOn members in Texas, Nebraska, Florida, Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Virginia are using billboards, petitions, and rallies to ratchet up the pressure on their elected officials and urge them to accept federal Medicaid funds, which would allow them to extend health coverage to more than two million Americans.

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In Wake of Exxon CEO’s Lawsuit Against Local Fracking Infrastructure, MoveOn.org Offers Tillerson “FrackingFighter” Award to Help Stop Fracking in His Community

Image of Rex Tillerson

In reaction to news out earlier this week that ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson was filing a lawsuit to stop the construction of a water tower in his community used for storing water for fracking, MoveOn.org has decided to offer the CEO its #FrackingFighter grant, which provides training, materials, and up to $500 in reimbursements in expenses for materials used to run an anti-fracking campaign in a local community.

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VICTORY: Arizona Gov. Brewer Vetoes Discrimination Bill

Jan Brewer

Last week, Arizona’s House and Senate passed S.B. 1062, a bill that would allow businesses to deny services as long as they invoked religious beliefs. The bill would mean a free pass for discrimination against marginalized groups like the LGBT community. That’s why the organization GetEQUAL started a MoveOn Petition, demanding that Republican Gov. Jan Brewer veto the anti-business, anti-equality, anti-LGBT bill.

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VICTORY: “Intelligent Design” Kept Out of Missouri Classrooms

In early 2014, Missouri state Rep. Rick Brattin proposed a law that would require all teachers in science classrooms—including the college level—to give equal class time to intelligent design and creationism as they would to the scientifically recognized theory of evolution. Outraged MoveOn member Michelle Burdick started a MoveOn Petition demanding that the state Legislature keep creationism out of the classroom.

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VICTORY: JPMorgan Chase Settlement Money Saved From Wall Street

In 2013, JPMorgan Chase agreed to a $13 billion settlement as restitution for their role in creating the Great Recession—and $613 million of the settlement was allocated for New York state to relieve distressed homeowners. When Governor Cuomo announced his intentions to use that money to pay for a major corporate tax cut instead, the Campaign For A Fair Settlement and the Home Defenders League started MoveOn Petitions to demand that he give the money to New Yorkers, not Wall Street.

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The Sequel to Citizens United

The U.S. Supreme Court could issue its ruling in the case some are calling the next Citizens United any day. On October 8, 2013 the court heard arguments for McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission.

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