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Want Senator Elizabeth Warren’s new book? Support MoveOn’s ongoing work to build a fair economy that works for everybody, not just corporations and the super-rich. Join MoveOn’s Team Warren.
Want Senator Elizabeth Warren’s new book? Support MoveOn’s ongoing work to build a fair economy that works for everybody, not just corporations and the super-rich. Join MoveOn’s Team Warren.
Huge news: Yesterday, Michael Bloomberg announced that he’ll spend $50 million this year on political campaigning for gun reform. That’s more than the NRA will spend on campaigning against it.
After 250 UPS drivers in Maspeth, New York, were fired for protesting the termination of a fellow driver, that driver, Jairo Reyes, along with Working Families, created a MoveOn Petition to pressure UPS to reinstate them.
It’s like political background noise: Every time politicians debate immigration reform, someone starts banging on the table, saying we have to “secure the border.”
On Tax Day, Robert Reich asks whether our tax system is fair.
New polls show that running on the Medicaid gap can be a potent strategy for Democrats in 2014.
MoveOn has just won a major victory in federal court. The state of Louisiana’s attempt to take down our billboard criticizing Gov. Jindal has been rejected.
If we really want to grow our economy and lift workers out of poverty, then we should really be talking about raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and not even debating anything lower than $10.10.
MoveOn members joined Anna Galland outside the courthouse in Baton Rouge yesterday after the hearing on our billboard, which calls out Gov. Jindal for blocking Medicaid for 242,000 Louisianans, to send a clear signal that, whatever the outcome, we’re not backing down.