By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, June 24 2015
More than 600,000 people have signed more than 50 petitions on calling for states to stop flying the Confederate flag on government property, discontinue Confederate license plates, and stop selling Confederate merchandise. In the week since the racially motivated terrorist attack in Charleston, more than 600,000 people have signed petitions on calling on […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, June 23 2015
Jo Comerford, campaign director for Civic Action, responded to the Senate’s invoking cloture on Fast Track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
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By MoveOn Staff. Monday, June 22 2015
Statement of Executive Director Anna Galland in response to South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s remarks on the Confederate flag: “Gov. Haley did the right thing today by adding her voice to many who are calling for one of the nation’s most potent symbols of white supremacy to be taken down from South Carolina’s state […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Monday, June 22 2015 Petition continues to grow rapidly on the heels of large rallies in South Carolina over the weekend; petition calls on South Carolina officials to “remove the Confederate flag from all government places” and denounces the flag as a symbol of racism, hatred, and division. ** View the petition here: ** CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Sunday, June 21 2015
Dear fellow MoveOn member, The best shot we’ve got at saving our broken health care system is to expand Medicare for all Americans. But first, we have to make something very clear: Medicare critics are wrong. They say that Medicare is a problem. In fact,Medicare is more efficient than private health insurance. It’s the solution. […]
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Economic Justice | Health Care
By admin. Saturday, June 20 2015
I was a very poor 16-year-old so, as you can imagine, having a car was out of the question. Wherever I needed to go, I walked—which was not always pleasant on a Florida summer day. It was on one of those hot days, while walking to the corner store, that a red truck slowed beside […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, June 18 2015
Justin Krebs, campaign director for Civic Action, responded today to the House’s passage of Trade Promotion Authority (or Fast Track) for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a secret trade deal that puts corporate interests over the interests of American workers: “Speaker Boehner’s do-over vote was proof of what this whole deal is really about. This isn’t […]
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By Anna Galland. Thursday, June 18 2015
The brutal murder of nine members of the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, is abhorrent and cause for national mourning. We extend our heartfelt condolences to all those grieving today in Charleston and across the nation. As part of a sickening legacy of racist violence perpetrated against the Black community, yesterday’s shooting is also […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, June 17 2015
Dear fellow MoveOn member, There is nothing just about our criminal justice system. It’s racist and destructive. It’s not making us safer. And it’s a disaster for our economy. Please watch End Mass Incarceration now to see what we can and must do. End Mass Incarceration is the latest in the “Big Picture” series I’m […]
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, June 12 2015
Anna Galland, executive director of Civic Action, responded to the House’s rejection of a trade package today that would have granted President Obama Fast Track authority for the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership: “Millions of Americans spoke out passionately—and though the fight isn’t over, we’ve just seen a real setback for ‘Fast Track’ authority on the […]
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