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MoveOn statement on Sen. Cardin choosing war over diplomacy

MoveOn.org Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman had the following statement in response to news that Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) will oppose the nuclear deal with Iran and will try to put the nation on the path to war: “Senator Cardin’s deeply troubling decision to oppose the historic diplomatic agreement with Iran amounts to support […]

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Diplomacy Defended: How Progressives Stopped a March to War in 60 Days

A 60-day clock started ticking the moment negotiators announced the Iran diplomacy deal and submitted it to Congress—and war hawks set expectations that they’d use the summer to derail the historic agreement. Instead, MoveOn members and many allies hit the streets—and by September 2 secured enough votes to defend the deal and avoid another costly […]

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Chip in to help Syrian refugee families

Dear MoveOn member, By now, you’ve probably seen the photo of the body of a drowned 3-year-old Syrian refugee named Aylan Kurdi, found on a beach in Turkey—still wearing his tiny Velcro sneakers, blue shorts, and a red T-shirt.1 (I won’t paste it here. You can easily find it online.) The refugee crisis stemming in part […]

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Sen. Mikulski becomes 34th Senate Iran deal supporter

MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland had the following statement today in response to news that Democratic Senator Barbara Mikulski will support the historic nuclear deal with Iran, meaning 34 senators—enough to prevent a veto override—now support the deal: “Diplomacy won big today, but our fight is not over. Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s careful examination […]

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THIS WEEK IN NEW YORK CITY: MoveOn Launches Member-Funded “SchumerMobile” Mobile Billboard Rebuking Sen. Schumer’s Opposition to Iran Deal

  The mobile billboard launches on Monday outside Sen. Schumer’s office. During the week, it will visit iconic New York City landmarks and the offices of six New York Democrats who have yet to announce whether they will support the historic nuclear agreement with Iran. *** Read More: Politico: MoveOn to target Chuck Schumer for […]

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The O’Keefe Brief: S**t Republicans Say About The Iran Deal

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could avoid a war with Iran? Yeah, I think so too! That’s why I made this week’s video, “S**t Republicans Say About The Iran Deal,” calling B.S. on the lies that war hawks are spreading to try to get Americans to oppose the diplomatic agreement that will keep Iran […]

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Physicians for Social Responsibility Head Endorses Iran Deal

Catherine Thomasson, MD, executive director of Physicians for Social Responsibility, offered the following statement in support of the historic nuclear deal with Iran: “The Congressional debate over the Iran deal has come down to rhetoric versus reality. The Iran deal blocks all four ways that Iran could obtain a nuclear weapon. The diplomatic solution between […]

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