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MoveOn responds to Gov. Fallin’s stay for Richard Glossip

Mark Crain, campaign director for MoveOn.org Civic Action, had the following statement in response to news that Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin issued a 37-day stay in the execution of Richard Glossip:

“We are deeply relieved that that Gov. Fallin has issued a stay of execution—which gives Richard Glossip and his legal team more time to prove his innocence. The fight to save Richard’s life is far from over, and MoveOn members and our allies will continue to work tirelessly over the next 37 days to stop Richard’s wrongful execution.

“Once again, Richard has come within minutes of being executed for a crime the record in the case makes clear he did not commit. And now, concerns about the state’s lethal drug combination gravely underscore the ethical and moral necessity to abolish the death penalty.

“We will continue to fight to save Richard’s life and for systemic reform to fix our broken criminal justice system.”

MoveOn members are fighting hard to save Glossip’s life. In recent weeks, MoveOn members and our allies made more than 7,000 phone calls to Gov. Fallin, urging her to stop the execution, and took over the homepage ads of The Oklahoman’s website with our call for justice.

On Tuesday evening, MoveOn members gathered outside the U.S. Supreme Court with lighted signs to ‘Save Richard Glossip.’ Nearly 250,000 Americans signed a MoveOn petition, started by Sister Helen Prejean and actress Susan Sarandon, calling for a stay of execution.

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