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MoveOn Condemns Trump’s Latest Muslim Ban and Suspension of Refugee Program

WASHINGTON DC — Moments ago, President Donald Trump signed a new executive order that once again halts the U.S. refugee program and suspends granting of visas for those traveling from six-Muslim majority countries: Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. In reaction to the executive order, Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, released […]

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MoveOn on NYT, WaPo reports: Sessions must resign immediately; his successor must appoint a special prosecutor

Jo Comerford, campaign director for MoveOn.org Civic Action, had the following statement in response to two reports tonight from The New York Times and The Washington Post with new information on ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials: “This is a two-bombshell evening. First, The New York Times says the intelligence community has information […]

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MoveOn statement on Perez being elected next DNC chair

Statement from Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, in response to Tom Perez being elected the next chair of the Democratic National Committee: “We congratulate Tom Perez on his victory and all of the candidates on the strong campaigns they ran. In particular, we thank Rep. Keith Ellison for his leadership and look […]

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MoveOn.org Statement on Kansas Shooting and Trump’s Continued Anti-Muslim, Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Statement from Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, in response to the anti-immigrant shooting near Kansas City. According to reports, the shooter targeted two Indian men, shouting “Get out of my country.” One of the men, 32-year-old Srinivas Kuchibhotla, died; his wife, Sunayana Dumala, has demanded an answer on what is being done […]

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