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MoveOn Reacts to House Failure to Vote on the AHCA: Incredible Win for the Resistance

Moments ago, the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives decided not to hold a vote on the American Health Care Act, halting—at least for now—the wildly unpopular effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

In reaction to this news, Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, released the following statement:

“This incredible win today demonstrates the power of the grassroots resistance movement that’s emerged since the election.

“The American people have blocked a Trumpcare plan that would have torn coverage from 24 million people while reducing benefits and raising costs for millions more. We thank Democratic Leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for their leadership in organizing opposition to this terrible bill in Congress, and every member of Congress who spoke out and pledged to vote against it. Most important, we thank the millions of MoveOn members and Americans from all walks of life who mobilized as part of the resistance and took action to ensure their voices could not be ignored.

“Today’s outcome is the result of an unprecedented outpouring of energy from the American people. Collectively, we made our voices heard at hundreds of town hall meetings and in-district events, on social media, via petitions and visits to congressional offices, and through hundreds of thousands of calls to our senators and representatives.

“MoveOn members alone made over 100,000 phone calls to their representatives in Congress—including more than 30,000 to Republicans in the House today—demanding that they oppose this bill.

“This win will send a surge of energy into the resistance movement. Together, we’ll remain on guard against any effort to revive this bill or any new repeal efforts, and we will keep organizing and mobilizing until every American has quality, affordable health care. We will also continue to put our people power to work resisting the rest of the terrible Trump Republican agenda, including the Gorsuch nomination, Muslim ban, border wall, and mass deportations.”

As part of the resistance to the American Health Care Act, MoveOn members:

  • Helped lead a massive mobilization during February’s “Resistance Recess,” with more than 100,000 people making their voices heard in person at more than 600 town hall meetings and in-district events;
  • Made over 100,000 phone calls to senators and representatives, including more than 40,000 today;
  • Dedicated Sunday night national organizing calls drawing tens of thousands of grassroots activists each week to this debate;
  • Produced 26 videos about protecting health care and Trumpcare’s terrible impacts, which thus far have been viewed more than 7.4 million times;
  • Camped out outside 23 House members’ and 9 senators’ district offices for 12 hours a day, two days in a row, with 5,000 MoveOn members joining our “stakeouts” during the most recent recess;
  • Held weekly #ResistTrumpTuesdays protests for 9 weeks running in partnership with the Working Families Party and allies, mobilizing opposition to this terrible bill.

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