RFK Called It In 1966, And It’s Happening Today
This quote is from a 1966 speech to the U.S. Senate.
This quote is from a 1966 speech to the U.S. Senate.
Crowdsourced technology isn’t just for LOLcats. Watch and share. Found on TED.com. Originally submitted by Rafael B. Subscribe to the Daily Share! Help fight the right-wing spin machine with the best progressive videos and graphics from around the web, delivered daily to your inbox. »
The 1% may not all be bailed out bankers, but they still own Wall Street.
Is it just us or do all these people moving their money make you feel all giddy and hopeful inside?
(Hint: Not The Food)
Just look at the costs.
Fox News is always a dead give-a-way.
Come on, what else are you using that junk mail for?
Crowdsourced technology isn’t just for LOLcats. Watch and share.
Ah, those were good times, weren’t they?